Prenatal Packages

Prenatal Packages

from $1,500.00

One initial 1.5 hr consult to discuss wishes and needs, and determine Ayurvedic constitution and doshic analysis.

After this, our next session will be a follow up to go over our findings.

And then you determine what you’d like to focus on during subsequent sessions be it

-Prenatal Yoga: Custom asanas, kriyas, meditations, mantras, breathwork, and keep up exercises to address any fears, discomforts, or imbalances.

-Ayurvedic counseling: Custom diet, herbal support, lifestyle practices.

-Postpartum Planning: Prepare for your sacred 40 Days after giving birth by learning what types of food to eat. How to create opportunities for support while maintaining boundaries during this incredibly important time. What to have on hand for comfort and healing after birth such as padsicles, belly binding, placenta encapsulation, perineum comfort, breastfeeding, etc.

-Hypnotherapy/Hypnobirthing: Use the power of your subconscious mind to release any fears, replace habits that no longer serve you with ones that help you thrive, become the woman and mother you want to be, and birth your child in your power.

-Pantry prep: Food lists for pregnancy and postpartum, including meals, snacks, and beverages, as well as herbs and kitchen tools to have on hand.

-Reiki: to center, rest, ground yourself, prepare for birth, relieve discomfort, allow yourself to sleep more soundly, and connect with your baby.

Pregnancy Packages:
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